Support: Add Emergency Contact

Create your Health RecordsAdd Emergency Contact

You emergency contact information (ICE) can be displayed on your Health Card QR page, so that they can be contacted in an emergency.

  • From Manage Health Records, click the Emergency Contact link to go to the Emergency Contact summary box
  • Click the Add Emergency Contact link to be taken to the Emergency Contact form
  • Click the green Add button link to be taken to the Emergency Contact form

Emergency Contact summary

This is where you will see your emergency contact information .

Add Emergency Contact

When you choose to add a new emergency contact, you will be presented with the following form:

Mandatory fields are marked with a * and you will not be able to save the form without first completing them.

Add contact details

Enter the name and telephone number of the person you nominate as your emergency contact.

Remember that you may use the card in a different country to the emergency contact (if you are on holiday, for example), so it would be useful to include the country code in their telephone number.

Select the Contact Type - this is how the person is connected with you.

Power of Attorney for Health

In the UK, giving someone power of attorney means that you that person the right to make decisions about your care and welfare. It is called a health and welfare LPA.

The terminology may differ in other countries, as could the definition and/or powers.

Select YES if this contact has the legal right to make decisions about your care and welfare.

Blood donor

Select YES if you have arranged that this contact will be a blood donor for you.

Please note, however, that in most countries it is currently, almost impossible to appoint your own blood donor.

Show on Health Card

  • Click the Show on Health Card slider at the bottom of the form, if you want this contact to show on your Health Card QR page
  • Press the orange SAVE button to save your record.

Delete an Emergency Contact

The only reason to delete an allergy is if you added it in error.

  • Select the DELETE icon to delete the record.